Readme for CBISA™ for Senior Living Ver. 8.2.16 (1/30/2020)


Updates to Note!


·   Continuous Reporting Unit Option Available for Select Multi-Unit Reports

New grouping option added to allow System Administrators to create continuous individual reports for each Reporting Unit within an Organization. The added option is available in the following reports:

Multi Complete Summary – Unclassified

Multi Complete Summary – Classified

Multi Executive Summary


·   Occurrence Filter Expansion (8/28/2019)

Filter menu on Occurrences screen (Programs>Occurrences>More>Show Filters) has been expanded to include the following new options:

-       Option added to list Occurrences by Date Descending or Order Alphabetically by Description

-       Checkbox added to limit displayed Occurrences to either Current Year Only or Only the Last Two Years



·   Import Functionality Added to Financial Services Module (7/15/2019)

A custom Excelspreadsheet has been designed for direct import to help facilitate data entry for the following Financial Services Sub-Menus:  Financial Assistance, Medicaid, Means-Tested Programs, and Medicare.

This feature enables users to populate fields in these screens automatically and can eliminate the need to “re-key” data already entered once elsewhere in other external documents.



Additional details and instructions available here.


CBISA-compliant sample Excelspreadsheets available here (Blank Cells) and here (Roadmap Cells).



See Also:


Readme8.1.37 (05/14/2019)

Readme7.2.46 (07/01/2017)

Readme7.2.44 (06/11/2017)