Readme for CBISA™ for Senior Living Version 7.2.46 (07/01/2017)


Update to Note!

·   “Targeted For” Field Added to Occurrences Page

In order to more accurately report the dollars dedicated to those living in poverty (underserved or other targeted vulnerable population), the “Targeted for” classification has been added to the Occurrence form.  The default classification will remain on the Program/General page; however, Occurrences can now be assigned their own classification, independent of selection assigned to parent Program.  As with the Program/General, the “Targeted for” classification will be a mandatory field.  Statistics report #9 (Occurrences-Selected Programs/Categories-Classified) has been added to show the “Targeted For” classification accordingly.  The existing classified reports will remain “as is” and continue to use the Program default as the sort option.


·   Third-Tier Categories Now Easier to Delete

Programs with a category automatically updated from second-tier (e.g. “A1”) to third-tier (e.g. “A1a”) upon the creation of the third-tier category in Defaults are now automatically reverted back to their original second-tier category if the third-tier category is deleted.


·   Occurrence ID Option Now Available

Option now available to include Occurrence ID numbers on Occurrences.  Occurrence ID option is activated by checking the “Occurrence ID” box on the Customizations Default screen.  When activated, the ID number appears in orange print at the top of the record, to the right of the Occurrence Date field.  The ID feature is also included on Occurrence reports when previewed in landscape format.


·   Multi-Select Function – Now Available For Coordinators As Well As Administrators

Holding down Ctrl or Shift Key to select multiple items at once had previously been a function only available to System Administrators.  It is now also available to Coordinators and Multi Coordinators.


·   Report File Names Clarified

When exported to a different file format, report files now create with file name that matches title of the report created.  They are no longer created with the generic name “CrystalReportViewer1, making the files much simpler to save and archive.


See Also (Previous Readme and Publication Date)

Readme7.2.42SL (04/12/2017)

Readme7.2SL (01/22/2017)

Readme7.1SL (04/09/2016)

Readme7.0SL (08/22/2015)

Readme6.0.39SL (03/28/2015)